GUARD YOUR GUT — Organic turkey tail mushroom powder joins with organic reishi spores mushroom powder for calming spiced chai latte that will help to support your gut; Caffeine-free chai tea for natural calm.
GUT LOVING MUSHROOMS — 300mg organic Turkey Tail, the best mushroom for your gut; 200mg reishi spores for soothing adaptogen support.
CARMINATIVE SPICES — Cinnamon, clove, cardamom, and ginger as a calming blend for your stomach; Spicy chai taste without any black tea; No caffeine to soothe stomach day or night.
PERFECT FOR ALL DIETS — Perfect for our vegan, organic, dairy-free or gluten-free friends; Only organic ingredients; No carriers, fillers, natural flavors or artificial flavors; All ingredients are naturally farmed or wild harvested.
DISSOLVES INSTANTLY — Tastes like a calming latte, not like mushrooms; Ready to drink in 7 fluid ounces of hot water; Smooth latte with coconut milk powder, stevia, and coconut palm sugar; Add coconut oil or ghee for an even creamier texture.